Monday, November 17, 2008

Ow ow ow ow OW!

Not to sound like a wuss or anything, but my cat bit me on Saturday. I suppose I might have had it coming, because I was trying to groom him. But then something really spooked him, and he got all aggressive on me. And then he bit me. Like ten times. So my hands and arms look like I got in a fight with a lawn mower. Also, (according to my wife) so does he, because I didn't get to finish shaving him. That should teach him. But it doesn't make my hands feel better. Especially my right thumb. He bit right THROUGH my thumbnail, and let me tell you, that is just wrong on so many levels. I've never wanted to throw my cat through a window...until Saturday. It kinda makes me feel like a bad person, because I've always liked animals, but now that I have kids, I totally understand when people say "it's just a cat/dog". Pets just don't compare. My kids can totally piss me off, but I never want to hurt them. I wanted to Hulk Smash my cat. Is that so wrong?


Carrie said...


I want to Hulk Smash your cats, too!

Welcome to the dark side!

Brooke said...


Now, you didn't tell me on Sunday that you were trying to groom him YOURSELF!?!?!? Uh, can we say duh? Who does that??? Totally worth the money to send 'em off to the groomer.

By the way, your wife's comments are just as hilarious as yours!

We're totally in with the "it's just our dogs" take enough work on their own!

Also, you need to keep on eye on those bites/scratches b/c my mom knew someone who almost died from blood poisoning from a cat bite...not kidding.

Nic said...

Well, that's just...fantastic.

Carrie said...

For some reason, the song "Cat-Scratch Fever" is going through my head.


Brooke said...

Bahhahahahahah!!!! Cat-scratch feva! Da da da da!