Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lazy sunday

Man, this past weekend has been pretty cool. I installed a temporary window AC unit downstairs on Friday, and oh man what a difference! We've actually been home for the past 2 days if that tells you anything. I will say that I cannot wait until our central unit is back up, but it's good to have the family home. Also, my dad took care of my car on Friday (thanks 1 million times dad!), so that's one less thing to worry about.

So yeah, I guess this time was just God reminding me that sometimes things don't go the way we want, but He'll bring us through them, it's not the end of the world, no matter how "bad" and "overwhelming" it seems in the moment. Just fix your eyes on Him, and He will see you through. And I have to mention that He has seen fit to see us through by using our family. Kevin and Brooke, mom and dad (on both sides!), you guys all rock, and we really did keep our sanity because of you all.


Carrie said...

Wait. We kept our sanity? Maybe you did.

Yuppers...gotta love family...I would be in a mental institution if they hadn't helped me recover from my mental breakdown. Rock Band helped, too...otherwise, we'd have to Pretend That We're Deeeee---aaad.

Brooke said...

LOL...I want to die thinking about that song...thanks for bringing it up Carrie...
Hey Nic...did Carrie tell you I had battle wounds??? Yep, that's right 2 blisters. : ) I was/am so proud!
And, it might've been crazy, but fun did not escape us. You guys are welcome over ANY time.