Thursday, December 11, 2008

Servant Songs in Isaiah

So I've been getting Ligonier Ministries (R.C. Sproul) magazine Tabletalk for the last few months, and have been able read little bits of them here and there. From what I've read, it's been very good, I always learn something from the articles, and there is a daily devotional section of the magazine which is also very cool. This month, Dr. Keith Mathison wrote an article in it called "The Wondrous Cross", and about halfway through he mentions these "Servant Songs" in the book of Isaiah. My interest was grabbed by this, and I almost stopped reading the article to look these up. When I finally did look them up, I was AMAZED. Why am I just now learning about these passages???

For those of you scratching your heads (like me), there are 4 sections towards the end of the book of Isaiah that are called the Servant Songs, and they are about (as you could guess) God's servant, Jesus Christ. They are at:

42: 1-9
49: 1-6
50: 4-9
52:13 - 53:12 (all of ch. 53)

Keep in mind that this book was written ~700 BC. Yes that is SEVEN HUNDRED YEARS before Christ. God is amazing.


Brooke said...

Wow...thanks for that. I got some good Bible study time in that I should've made time for but was bloggin instead. Thanks for helping me remember my priorities! : )

Kevin said...

Dude, this is officially my second post ever on a blog, so feel special... you don't deserve it. However, it just continues to amaze me how anyone can NOT see that Jesus is the Messiah, so I had to say something. Good post, bro.