Friday, April 3, 2009


So technically it's not "tomorrow", but whatever. It's Kevin and Brooke's fault, cause they are still here distracting me!

Anyway. About 10 years ago, I started learning programming. School was lame, so I decided the best way to learn was to make a game! And I did. It went from a text MUD type game, to a 2d side scroller, and then I found out about OpenGL. I moved into 3d, and kept learning as I kept working on it.

Eventually, I started to take this game seriously, and decided that if I was going to make a game, it would do 2 things. It would be the game I want to play, and it wouldn't trade the truth for a lie. I'm so tired of playing games that come close to Biblical truth, that borrows from the "mythos" of the Bible, but then butchers the rest. Angels and demons, so called "God" or gods, none of them get it right. If I have anything to do about it, that's going to change. God help me.

So what's accountability have to do with this? Well, I actually have to work on it if it's ever going to be done, so I plan on using this as an outlet to post progress. If I don't post progress, I'm slacking. Hopefully there is more progress and less slacking, at least in relation to lately. More info soon!

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